Source code for gkeepapi.node

""".. automodule:: gkeepapi


.. moduleauthor:: Kai <>

import datetime
import enum
import itertools
import logging
import random
import time
from import Callable
from operator import attrgetter

from . import exception

DEBUG = False

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class NodeType(enum.Enum): """Valid note types.""" Note = "NOTE" """A Note""" List = "LIST" """A List""" ListItem = "LIST_ITEM" """A List item""" Blob = "BLOB" """A blob (attachment)"""
[docs] class BlobType(enum.Enum): """Valid blob types.""" Audio = "AUDIO" """Audio""" Image = "IMAGE" """Image""" Drawing = "DRAWING" """Drawing"""
[docs] class ColorValue(enum.Enum): """Valid note colors.""" White = "DEFAULT" """White""" Red = "RED" """Red""" Orange = "ORANGE" """Orange""" Yellow = "YELLOW" """Yellow""" Green = "GREEN" """Green""" Teal = "TEAL" """Teal""" Blue = "BLUE" """Blue""" DarkBlue = "CERULEAN" """Dark blue""" Purple = "PURPLE" """Purple""" Pink = "PINK" """Pink""" Brown = "BROWN" """Brown""" Gray = "GRAY" """Gray"""
[docs] class CategoryValue(enum.Enum): """Valid note categories.""" Books = "BOOKS" """Books""" Food = "FOOD" """Food""" Movies = "MOVIES" """Movies""" Music = "MUSIC" """Music""" Places = "PLACES" """Places""" Quotes = "QUOTES" """Quotes""" Travel = "TRAVEL" """Travel""" TV = "TV" """TV"""
[docs] class SuggestValue(enum.Enum): """Valid task suggestion categories.""" GroceryItem = "GROCERY_ITEM" """Grocery item"""
[docs] class NewListItemPlacementValue(enum.Enum): """Target location to put new list items.""" Top = "TOP" """Top""" Bottom = "BOTTOM" """Bottom"""
[docs] class GraveyardStateValue(enum.Enum): """Visibility setting for the graveyard.""" Expanded = "EXPANDED" """Expanded""" Collapsed = "COLLAPSED" """Collapsed"""
[docs] class CheckedListItemsPolicyValue(enum.Enum): """Movement setting for checked list items.""" Default = "DEFAULT" """Default""" Graveyard = "GRAVEYARD" """Graveyard"""
[docs] class ShareRequestValue(enum.Enum): """Collaborator change type.""" Add = "WR" """Grant access.""" Remove = "RM" """Remove access."""
[docs] class RoleValue(enum.Enum): """Collaborator role type.""" Owner = "O" """Note owner.""" User = "W" """Note collaborator."""
[docs] class Element: """Interface for elements that can be serialized and deserialized.""" __slots__ = ("_dirty",) def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct an element object""" self._dirty = False def _find_discrepancies(self, raw: dict | list) -> None: # pragma: no cover s_raw = if isinstance(raw, dict): for key, val in raw.items(): if key in ["parentServerId", "lastSavedSessionId"]: continue if key not in s_raw:"Missing key for %s key %s", type(self), key) continue if isinstance(val, list | dict): continue val_a = raw[key] val_b = s_raw[key] # Python strftime's 'z' format specifier includes microseconds, but the response from GKeep # only has milliseconds. This causes a string mismatch, so we construct datetime objects # to properly compare if isinstance(val_a, str) and isinstance(val_b, str): try: tval_a = NodeTimestamps.str_to_dt(val_a) tval_b = NodeTimestamps.str_to_dt(val_b) val_a, val_b = tval_a, tval_b except (KeyError, ValueError): pass if val_a != val_b: "Different value for %s key %s: %s != %s", type(self), key, raw[key], s_raw[key], ) elif isinstance(raw, list) and len(raw) != len(s_raw): "Different length for %s: %d != %d", type(self), len(raw), len(s_raw), )
[docs] def load(self, raw: dict) -> None: """Unserialize from raw representation. (Wrapper) Args: raw: Raw. Raises: ParseException: If there was an error parsing data. """ try: self._load(raw) except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: raise exception.ParseException(f"Parse error in {type(self)}", raw) from e
def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: """Unserialize from raw representation. (Implementation logic) Args: raw: Raw. """ self._dirty = raw.get("_dirty", False)
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Serialize into raw representation. Clears the dirty bit by default. Args: clean: Whether to clear the dirty bit. Returns: Raw. """ ret = {} if clean: self._dirty = False else: ret["_dirty"] = self._dirty return ret
@property def dirty(self) -> bool: """Get dirty state. Returns: Whether this element is dirty. """ return self._dirty
[docs] class Annotation(Element): """Note annotations base class.""" __slots__ = ("id",) def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a note annotation""" super().__init__() = self._generateAnnotationId() def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) = raw.get("id")
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the annotation""" ret = {} if is not None: ret = super().save(clean) if is not None: ret["id"] = return ret
@classmethod def _generateAnnotationId(cls) -> str: return "{:08x}-{:04x}-{:04x}-{:04x}-{:012x}".format( # noqa: UP032 random.randint(0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF), # noqa: S311 random.randint(0x0000, 0xFFFF), # noqa: S311 random.randint(0x0000, 0xFFFF), # noqa: S311 random.randint(0x0000, 0xFFFF), # noqa: S311 random.randint(0x000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF), # noqa: S311 )
[docs] class Category(Annotation): """Represents a category annotation on a :class:`TopLevelNode`.""" __slots__ = ("_category",) def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a category annotation""" super().__init__() self._category = None def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self._category = CategoryValue(raw["topicCategory"]["category"])
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the category annotation""" ret = super().save(clean) ret["topicCategory"] = {"category": self._category.value} return ret
@property def category(self) -> CategoryValue: """Get the category. Returns: The category. """ return self._category @category.setter def category(self, value: CategoryValue) -> None: self._category = value self._dirty = True
[docs] class TaskAssist(Annotation): """Unknown.""" __slots__ = ("_suggest",) def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a taskassist annotation""" super().__init__() self._suggest = None def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self._suggest = raw["taskAssist"]["suggestType"]
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the taskassist annotation""" ret = super().save(clean) ret["taskAssist"] = {"suggestType": self._suggest} return ret
@property def suggest(self) -> str: """Get the suggestion. Returns: The suggestion. """ return self._suggest @suggest.setter def suggest(self, value: str) -> None: self._suggest = value self._dirty = True
[docs] class Context(Annotation): """Represents a context annotation, which may contain other annotations.""" __slots__ = ("_entries",) def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a context annotation""" super().__init__() self._entries = {} def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self._entries = {} for key, entry in raw.get("context", {}).items(): self._entries[key] = NodeAnnotations.from_json({key: entry})
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the context annotation""" ret = super().save(clean) context = {} for entry in self._entries.values(): context.update( ret["context"] = context return ret
[docs] def all(self) -> list[Annotation]: """Get all sub annotations. Returns: Sub Annotations. """ return list(self._entries.values())
@property def dirty(self) -> bool: # noqa: D102 return super().dirty or any( annotation.dirty for annotation in self._entries.values() )
[docs] class NodeAnnotations(Element): """Represents the annotation container on a :class:`TopLevelNode`.""" __slots__ = ("_annotations",) def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct an annotations container""" super().__init__() self._annotations = {} def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._annotations)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, raw: dict) -> Annotation | None: """Helper to construct an annotation from a dict. Args: raw: Raw annotation representation. Returns: An Annotation object or None. """ bcls = None if "webLink" in raw: bcls = WebLink elif "topicCategory" in raw: bcls = Category elif "taskAssist" in raw: bcls = TaskAssist elif "context" in raw: bcls = Context if bcls is None: logger.warning("Unknown annotation type: %s", raw.keys()) return None annotation = bcls() annotation.load(raw) return annotation
[docs] def all(self) -> list[Annotation]: """Get all annotations. Returns: Annotations. """ return list(self._annotations.values())
def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self._annotations = {} if "annotations" not in raw: return for raw_annotation in raw["annotations"]: annotation = self.from_json(raw_annotation) self._annotations[] = annotation
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the annotations container""" ret = super().save(clean) ret["kind"] = "notes#annotationsGroup" if self._annotations: ret["annotations"] = [ for annotation in self._annotations.values() ] return ret
def _get_category_node(self) -> Category | None: for annotation in self._annotations.values(): if isinstance(annotation, Category): return annotation return None @property def category(self) -> CategoryValue | None: """Get the category. Returns: The category. """ node = self._get_category_node() return node.category if node is not None else None @category.setter def category(self, value: CategoryValue) -> None: node = self._get_category_node() if value is None: if node is not None: del self._annotations[] else: if node is None: node = Category() self._annotations[] = node node.category = value self._dirty = True @property def links(self) -> list[WebLink]: """Get all links. Returns: A list of links. """ return [ annotation for annotation in self._annotations.values() if isinstance(annotation, WebLink) ]
[docs] def append(self, annotation: Annotation) -> Annotation: """Add an annotation. Args: annotation: An Annotation object. Returns: The Annotation. """ self._annotations[] = annotation self._dirty = True return annotation
[docs] def remove(self, annotation: Annotation) -> None: """Removes an annotation. Args: annotation: An Annotation object. """ if in self._annotations: del self._annotations[] self._dirty = True
@property def dirty(self) -> bool: # noqa: D102 return super().dirty or any( annotation.dirty for annotation in self._annotations.values() )
[docs] class NodeTimestamps(Element): """Represents the timestamps associated with a :class:`TopLevelNode`.""" __slots__ = ("_created", "_deleted", "_trashed", "_updated", "_edited") TZ_FMT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" def __init__(self, create_time: float | None = None) -> None: """Construct a timestamps container""" super().__init__() if create_time is None: create_time = time.time() self._created = self.int_to_dt(create_time) self._deleted = None self._trashed = None self._updated = self.int_to_dt(create_time) self._edited = self.int_to_dt(create_time) def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) if "created" in raw: self._created = self.str_to_dt(raw["created"]) self._deleted = self.str_to_dt(raw["deleted"]) if "deleted" in raw else None self._trashed = self.str_to_dt(raw["trashed"]) if "trashed" in raw else None self._updated = self.str_to_dt(raw["updated"]) self._edited = ( self.str_to_dt(raw["userEdited"]) if "userEdited" in raw else None )
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the timestamps container""" ret = super().save(clean) ret["kind"] = "notes#timestamps" ret["created"] = self.dt_to_str(self._created) if self._deleted is not None: ret["deleted"] = self.dt_to_str(self._deleted) if self._trashed is not None: ret["trashed"] = self.dt_to_str(self._trashed) ret["updated"] = self.dt_to_str(self._updated) if self._edited is not None: ret["userEdited"] = self.dt_to_str(self._edited) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def str_to_dt(cls, tzs: str | None) -> datetime.datetime: """Convert a datetime string into an object. Params: tsz: Datetime string. Returns: Datetime. """ if tzs is None: return cls.int_to_dt(0) return datetime.datetime.strptime(tzs, cls.TZ_FMT).replace( tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc )
[docs] @classmethod def int_to_dt(cls, tz: float) -> datetime.datetime: """Convert a unix timestamp into an object. Params: ts: Unix timestamp. Returns: Datetime. """ return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tz, tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
[docs] @classmethod def dt_to_str(cls, dt: datetime.datetime) -> str: """Convert a datetime to a str. Params: dt: Datetime. Returns: Datetime string. """ return dt.strftime(cls.TZ_FMT)
[docs] @classmethod def int_to_str(cls, tz: int) -> str: """Convert a unix timestamp to a str. Returns: Datetime string. """ return cls.dt_to_str(cls.int_to_dt(tz))
@property def created(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get the creation datetime. Returns: Datetime. """ return self._created @created.setter def created(self, value: datetime.datetime) -> None: self._created = value self._dirty = True @property def deleted(self) -> datetime.datetime | None: """Get the deletion datetime. Returns: Datetime. """ return self._deleted @deleted.setter def deleted(self, value: datetime.datetime) -> None: self._deleted = value self._dirty = True @property def trashed(self) -> datetime.datetime | None: """Get the move-to-trash datetime. Returns: Datetime. """ return self._trashed @trashed.setter def trashed(self, value: datetime.datetime) -> None: self._trashed = value self._dirty = True @property def updated(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get the updated datetime. Returns: Datetime. """ return self._updated @updated.setter def updated(self, value: datetime.datetime) -> None: self._updated = value self._dirty = True @property def edited(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get the user edited datetime. Returns: Datetime. """ return self._edited @edited.setter def edited(self, value: datetime.datetime) -> None: self._edited = value self._dirty = True
[docs] class NodeSettings(Element): """Represents the settings associated with a :class:`TopLevelNode`.""" __slots__ = ( "_new_listitem_placement", "_graveyard_state", "_checked_listitems_policy", ) def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a settings container""" super().__init__() self._new_listitem_placement = NewListItemPlacementValue.Bottom self._graveyard_state = GraveyardStateValue.Collapsed self._checked_listitems_policy = CheckedListItemsPolicyValue.Graveyard def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self._new_listitem_placement = NewListItemPlacementValue( raw["newListItemPlacement"] ) self._graveyard_state = GraveyardStateValue(raw["graveyardState"]) self._checked_listitems_policy = CheckedListItemsPolicyValue( raw["checkedListItemsPolicy"] )
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the settings container""" ret = super().save(clean) ret["newListItemPlacement"] = self._new_listitem_placement.value ret["graveyardState"] = self._graveyard_state.value ret["checkedListItemsPolicy"] = self._checked_listitems_policy.value return ret
@property def new_listitem_placement(self) -> NewListItemPlacementValue: """Get the default location to insert new listitems. Returns: Placement. """ return self._new_listitem_placement @new_listitem_placement.setter def new_listitem_placement(self, value: NewListItemPlacementValue) -> None: self._new_listitem_placement = value self._dirty = True @property def graveyard_state(self) -> GraveyardStateValue: """Get the visibility state for the list graveyard. Returns: Visibility. """ return self._graveyard_state @graveyard_state.setter def graveyard_state(self, value: GraveyardStateValue) -> None: self._graveyard_state = value self._dirty = True @property def checked_listitems_policy(self) -> CheckedListItemsPolicyValue: """Get the policy for checked listitems. Returns: Policy. """ return self._checked_listitems_policy @checked_listitems_policy.setter def checked_listitems_policy(self, value: CheckedListItemsPolicyValue) -> None: self._checked_listitems_policy = value self._dirty = True
[docs] class NodeCollaborators(Element): """Represents the collaborators on a :class:`TopLevelNode`.""" __slots__ = ("_collaborators",) def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a collaborators container""" super().__init__() self._collaborators = {} def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._collaborators)
[docs] def load(self, collaborators_raw: list, requests_raw: list) -> None: # noqa: D102 # Parent method not called. if requests_raw and isinstance(requests_raw[-1], bool): self._dirty = requests_raw.pop() else: self._dirty = False self._collaborators = {} for collaborator in collaborators_raw: self._collaborators[collaborator["email"]] = RoleValue(collaborator["role"]) for collaborator in requests_raw: self._collaborators[collaborator["email"]] = ShareRequestValue( collaborator["type"] )
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> tuple[list, list]: """Save the collaborators container""" # Parent method not called. collaborators = [] requests = [] for email, action in self._collaborators.items(): if isinstance(action, ShareRequestValue): requests.append({"email": email, "type": action.value}) else: collaborators.append( {"email": email, "role": action.value, "auxiliary_type": "None"} ) if not clean: requests.append(self._dirty) else: self._dirty = False return (collaborators, requests)
[docs] def add(self, email: str) -> None: """Add a collaborator. Args: email: Collaborator email address. """ if email not in self._collaborators: self._collaborators[email] = ShareRequestValue.Add self._dirty = True
[docs] def remove(self, email: str) -> None: """Remove a Collaborator. Args: email: Collaborator email address. """ if email in self._collaborators: if self._collaborators[email] == ShareRequestValue.Add: del self._collaborators[email] else: self._collaborators[email] = ShareRequestValue.Remove self._dirty = True
[docs] def all(self) -> list[str]: """Get all collaborators. Returns: Collaborators. """ return [ email for email, action in self._collaborators.items() if action in [RoleValue.Owner, RoleValue.User, ShareRequestValue.Add] ]
[docs] class TimestampsMixin: """A mixin to add methods for updating timestamps.""" __slots__ = () # empty to resolve multiple inheritance def __init__(self) -> None: """Instantiate mixin""" self.timestamps: NodeTimestamps
[docs] def touch(self, edited: bool = False) -> None: """Mark the node as dirty. Args: edited: Whether to set the edited time. """ self._dirty = True dt = self.timestamps.updated = dt if edited: self.timestamps.edited = dt
@property def trashed(self) -> bool: """Get the trashed state. Returns: Whether this item is trashed. """ return ( self.timestamps.trashed is not None and self.timestamps.trashed > NodeTimestamps.int_to_dt(0) )
[docs] def trash(self) -> None: """Mark the item as trashed.""" self.timestamps.trashed =
[docs] def untrash(self) -> None: """Mark the item as untrashed.""" self.timestamps.trashed = self.timestamps.int_to_dt(0)
@property def deleted(self) -> bool: """Get the deleted state. Returns: Whether this item is deleted. """ return ( self.timestamps.deleted is not None and self.timestamps.deleted > NodeTimestamps.int_to_dt(0) )
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """Mark the item as deleted.""" self.timestamps.deleted =
[docs] def undelete(self) -> None: """Mark the item as undeleted.""" self.timestamps.deleted = None
[docs] class Label(Element, TimestampsMixin): """Represents a label.""" __slots__ = ("id", "_name", "timestamps", "_merged") def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a label""" super().__init__() create_time = time.time() = self._generateId(create_time) self._name = "" self.timestamps = NodeTimestamps(create_time) self._merged = NodeTimestamps.int_to_dt(0) @classmethod def _generateId(cls, tz: float) -> str: return "tag.{}.{:x}".format( "".join( [ random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789") # noqa: S311 for _ in range(12) ] ), int(tz * 1000), ) def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) = raw["mainId"] self._name = raw["name"] self.timestamps.load(raw["timestamps"]) self._merged = NodeTimestamps.str_to_dt(raw.get("lastMerged"))
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the label""" ret = super().save(clean) ret["mainId"] = ret["name"] = self._name ret["timestamps"] = ret["lastMerged"] = NodeTimestamps.dt_to_str(self._merged) return ret
@property def name(self) -> str: """Get the label name. Returns: Label name. """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value: str) -> None: self._name = value self.touch(True) @property def merged(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get last merge datetime. Returns: Datetime. """ return self._merged @merged.setter def merged(self, value: datetime.datetime) -> None: self._merged = value self.touch() @property def dirty(self) -> bool: # noqa: D102 return super().dirty or self.timestamps.dirty def __str__(self) -> str: return
[docs] class NodeLabels(Element): """Represents the labels on a :class:`TopLevelNode`.""" __slots__ = ("_labels",) def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a labels container""" super().__init__() self._labels = {} def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._labels) def _load(self, raw: list) -> None: # Parent method not called. if raw and isinstance(raw[-1], bool): self._dirty = raw.pop() else: self._dirty = False self._labels = {} for raw_label in raw: self._labels[raw_label["labelId"]] = None
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> tuple[dict] | tuple[dict, bool]: # noqa: D102 # Parent method not called. ret = [ { "labelId": label_id, "deleted": NodeTimestamps.dt_to_str( ) if label is None else NodeTimestamps.int_to_str(0), } for label_id, label in self._labels.items() ] if not clean: ret.append(self._dirty) else: self._dirty = False return ret
[docs] def add(self, label: Label) -> None: """Add a label. Args: label: The Label object. """ self._labels[] = label self._dirty = True
[docs] def remove(self, label: Label) -> None: """Remove a label. Args: label: The Label object. """ if in self._labels: self._labels[] = None self._dirty = True
[docs] def get(self, label_id: str) -> str: """Get a label by ID. Args: label_id: The label ID. """ return self._labels.get(label_id)
[docs] def all(self) -> list[Label]: """Get all labels. Returns: Labels. """ return [label for _, label in self._labels.items() if label is not None]
[docs] class Node(Element, TimestampsMixin): """Node base class.""" __slots__ = ( "parent", "id", "server_id", "parent_id", "type", "_sort", "_version", "_text", "_children", "timestamps", "settings", "annotations", "_moved", ) def __init__( self, id_: str | None = None, type_: str | None = None, parent_id: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Construct a node""" super().__init__() create_time = time.time() self.parent = None = self._generateId(create_time) if id_ is None else id_ self.server_id = None self.parent_id = parent_id self.type = type_ self._sort = random.randint(1000000000, 9999999999) # noqa: S311 self._version = None self._text = "" self._children = {} self.timestamps = NodeTimestamps(create_time) self.settings = NodeSettings() self.annotations = NodeAnnotations() # Set if there is no baseVersion in the raw data self._moved = False @classmethod def _generateId(cls, tz: float) -> str: return "{:x}.{:016x}".format( # noqa: UP032 int(tz * 1000), random.randint(0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF), # noqa: S311 ) def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) # Verify this is a valid type NodeType(raw["type"]) if raw["kind"] != "notes#node": logger.warning("Unknown node kind: %s", raw["kind"]) if "mergeConflict" in raw: raise exception.MergeException(raw) = raw["id"] self.server_id = raw.get("serverId", self.server_id) self.parent_id = raw["parentId"] self._sort = raw.get("sortValue", self.sort) self._version = raw.get("baseVersion", self._version) self._text = raw.get("text", self._text) self.timestamps.load(raw["timestamps"]) self.settings.load(raw["nodeSettings"]) self.annotations.load(raw["annotationsGroup"])
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: # noqa: D102 ret = super().save(clean) ret["id"] = ret["kind"] = "notes#node" ret["type"] = self.type.value ret["parentId"] = self.parent_id ret["sortValue"] = self._sort if not self._moved and self._version is not None: ret["baseVersion"] = self._version ret["text"] = self._text if self.server_id is not None: ret["serverId"] = self.server_id ret["timestamps"] = ret["nodeSettings"] = ret["annotationsGroup"] = return ret
@property def sort(self) -> int: """Get the sort id. Returns: Sort id. """ return int(self._sort) @sort.setter def sort(self, value: int) -> None: self._sort = value self.touch() @property def version(self) -> int: """Get the node version. Returns: Version. """ return self._version @property def text(self) -> str: """Get the text value. Returns: Text value. """ return self._text @text.setter def text(self, value: str) -> None: """Set the text value. Args: value: Text value. """ self._text = value self.timestamps.edited = self.touch(True) @property def children(self) -> list["Node"]: """Get all children. Returns: Children nodes. """ return list(self._children.values())
[docs] def get(self, node_id: str) -> "Node | None": """Get child node with the given ID. Args: node_id: The node ID. Returns: Child node. """ return self._children.get(node_id)
[docs] def append(self, node: "Node", dirty: bool = True) -> "Node": """Add a new child node. Args: node: Node to add. dirty: Whether this node should be marked dirty. """ self._children[] = node node.parent = self if dirty: self.touch() return node
[docs] def remove(self, node: "Node", dirty: bool = True) -> None: """Remove the given child node. Args: node: Node to remove. dirty: Whether this node should be marked dirty. """ if in self._children: self._children[].parent = None del self._children[] if dirty: self.touch()
@property def new(self) -> bool: """Get whether this node has been persisted to the server. Returns: True if node is new. """ return self.server_id is None @property def dirty(self) -> bool: # noqa: D102 return ( super().dirty or self.timestamps.dirty or self.annotations.dirty or self.settings.dirty or any(node.dirty for node in self.children) )
[docs] class Root(Node): """Internal root node.""" __slots__ = () ID = "root" def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a root node""" super().__init__(id_=self.ID) @property def dirty(self) -> bool: # noqa: D102 return False
[docs] class TopLevelNode(Node): """Top level node base class.""" __slots__ = ("_color", "_archived", "_pinned", "_title", "labels", "collaborators") _TYPE = None def __init__(self, **kwargs: dict) -> None: """Construct a top level node""" super().__init__(parent_id=Root.ID, **kwargs) self._color = ColorValue.White self._archived = False self._pinned = False self._title = "" self.labels = NodeLabels() self.collaborators = NodeCollaborators() def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self._color = ColorValue(raw["color"]) if "color" in raw else ColorValue.White self._archived = raw.get("isArchived", False) self._pinned = raw.get("isPinned", False) self._title = raw.get("title", "") self.labels.load(raw.get("labelIds", [])) self.collaborators.load( raw.get("roleInfo", []), raw.get("shareRequests", []), ) self._moved = "moved" in raw
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: # noqa: D102 ret = super().save(clean) ret["color"] = self._color.value ret["isArchived"] = self._archived ret["isPinned"] = self._pinned ret["title"] = self._title labels = collaborators, requests = if labels: ret["labelIds"] = labels ret["collaborators"] = collaborators if requests: ret["shareRequests"] = requests return ret
@property def color(self) -> ColorValue: """Get the node color. Returns: Color. """ return self._color @color.setter def color(self, value: ColorValue) -> None: self._color = value self.touch(True) @property def archived(self) -> bool: """Get the archive state. Returns: Whether this node is archived. """ return self._archived @archived.setter def archived(self, value: bool) -> None: self._archived = value self.touch(True) @property def pinned(self) -> bool: """Get the pin state. Returns: Whether this node is pinned. """ return self._pinned @pinned.setter def pinned(self, value: bool) -> None: self._pinned = value self.touch(True) @property def title(self) -> str: """Get the title. Returns: Title. """ return self._title @title.setter def title(self, value: str) -> None: self._title = value self.touch(True) @property def url(self) -> str: """Get the url for this node. Returns: Google Keep url. """ return "" + self._TYPE.value + "/" + @property def dirty(self) -> bool: # noqa: D102 return super().dirty or self.labels.dirty or self.collaborators.dirty @property def blobs(self) -> list["Blob"]: """Get all media blobs. Returns: Media blobs. """ return [node for node in self.children if isinstance(node, Blob)] @property def images(self) -> list["NodeImage"]: """Get all image blobs""" return [blob for blob in self.blobs if isinstance(blob.blob, NodeImage)] @property def drawings(self) -> list["NodeDrawing"]: """Get all drawing blobs""" return [blob for blob in self.blobs if isinstance(blob.blob, NodeDrawing)] @property def audio(self) -> list["NodeAudio"]: """Get all audio blobs""" return [blob for blob in self.blobs if isinstance(blob.blob, NodeAudio)]
[docs] class ListItem(Node): """Represents a Google Keep listitem. Interestingly enough, :class:`Note`s store their content in a single child :class:`ListItem`. """ __slots__ = ( "parent_item", "parent_server_id", "super_list_item_id", "prev_super_list_item_id", "_subitems", "_checked", ) def __init__( self, parent_id: str | None = None, parent_server_id: str | None = None, super_list_item_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: dict, ) -> None: """Construct a list item node""" super().__init__(type_=NodeType.ListItem, parent_id=parent_id, **kwargs) self.parent_item = None self.parent_server_id = parent_server_id self.super_list_item_id = super_list_item_id self.prev_super_list_item_id = None self._subitems = {} self._checked = False def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self.prev_super_list_item_id = self.super_list_item_id self.super_list_item_id = raw.get("superListItemId") or None self._checked = raw.get("checked", False)
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: # noqa: D102 ret = super().save(clean) ret["parentServerId"] = self.parent_server_id ret["superListItemId"] = self.super_list_item_id ret["checked"] = self._checked return ret
[docs] def add( self, text: str, checked: bool = False, sort: NewListItemPlacementValue | int | None = None, ) -> "ListItem": """Add a new sub item to the list. This item must already be attached to a list. Args: text: The text. checked: Whether this item is checked. sort: Item id for sorting. """ if self.parent is None: raise exception.InvalidException("Item has no parent") node = self.parent.add(text, checked, sort) self.indent(node) return node
[docs] def indent(self, node: "ListItem", dirty: bool = True) -> None: """Indent an item. Does nothing if the target has subitems. Args: node: Item to indent. dirty: Whether this node should be marked dirty. """ if node.subitems: return self._subitems[] = node node.super_list_item_id = node.parent_item = self if dirty: node.touch(True)
[docs] def dedent(self, node: "ListItem", dirty: bool = True) -> None: """Dedent an item. Does nothing if the target is not indented under this item. Args: node: Item to dedent. dirty : Whether this node should be marked dirty. """ if not in self._subitems: return del self._subitems[] node.super_list_item_id = "" node.parent_item = None if dirty: node.touch(True)
@property def subitems(self) -> list["ListItem"]: """Get subitems for this item. Returns: Subitems. """ return List.sorted_items(self._subitems.values()) @property def indented(self) -> bool: """Get indentation state. Returns: Whether this item is indented. """ return self.parent_item is not None @property def checked(self) -> bool: """Get the checked state. Returns: Whether this item is checked. """ return self._checked @checked.setter def checked(self, value: bool) -> None: self._checked = value self.touch(True) def __str__(self) -> str: return "{}{} {}".format( " " if self.indented else "", "☑" if self.checked else "☐", self.text, )
[docs] class Note(TopLevelNode): """Represents a Google Keep note.""" __slots__ = () _TYPE = NodeType.Note def __init__(self, **kwargs: dict) -> None: """Construct a note node""" super().__init__(type_=self._TYPE, **kwargs) def _get_text_node(self) -> ListItem | None: node = None for child_node in self.children: if isinstance(child_node, ListItem): node = child_node break return node @property def text(self) -> str: # noqa: D102 node = self._get_text_node() if node is None: return self._text return node.text @text.setter def text(self, value: str) -> None: node = self._get_text_node() if node is None: node = ListItem( self.append(node, True) node.text = value self.touch(True) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.title}\n{self.text}"
[docs] class List(TopLevelNode): """Represents a Google Keep list.""" _TYPE = NodeType.List SORT_DELTA = 10000 # Arbitrary constant def __init__(self, **kwargs: dict) -> None: """Construct a list node""" super().__init__(type_=self._TYPE, **kwargs)
[docs] def add( self, text: str, checked: bool = False, sort: NewListItemPlacementValue | int | None = None, ) -> ListItem: """Add a new item to the list. Args: text: The text. checked: Whether this item is checked. sort: Item id for sorting or a placement policy. """ node = ListItem(, parent_server_id=self.server_id) node.checked = checked node.text = text items = list(self.items) if isinstance(sort, int): node.sort = sort elif isinstance(sort, NewListItemPlacementValue) and len(items): func = max delta = self.SORT_DELTA if sort == NewListItemPlacementValue.Bottom: func = min delta *= -1 node.sort = func(int(item.sort) for item in items) + delta self.append(node, True) self.touch(True) return node
@property def text(self) -> str: # noqa: D102 return "\n".join(str(node) for node in self.items)
[docs] @classmethod def sorted_items(cls, items: list[ListItem]) -> list[ListItem]: # noqa: C901 """Generate a list of sorted list items, taking into account parent items. Args: items: Items to sort. Returns: Sorted items. """ class T(tuple): """Tuple with element-based sorting""" __slots__ = () def __cmp__(self, other: "T") -> int: for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, other): if a != b: if a is None: return 1 if b is None: return -1 return a - b return 0 def __lt__(self, other: "T") -> bool: # pragma: no cover return self.__cmp__(other) < 0 def __gt__(self, other: "T") -> bool: # pragma: no cover return self.__cmp__(other) > 0 def __le__(self, other: "T") -> bool: # pragma: no cover return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0 def __ge__(self, other: "T") -> bool: # pragma: no cover return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0 def __eq__(self, other: "T") -> bool: # pragma: no cover return self.__cmp__(other) == 0 def __ne__(self, other: "T") -> bool: # pragma: no cover return self.__cmp__(other) != 0 def key_func(x: ListItem) -> T: if x.indented: return T((int(x.parent_item.sort), int(x.sort))) return T((int(x.sort),)) return sorted(items, key=key_func, reverse=True)
def _items(self, checked: bool | None = None) -> list[ListItem]: return [ node for node in self.children if isinstance(node, ListItem) and not node.deleted and (checked is None or node.checked == checked) ]
[docs] def sort_items( self, key: Callable = attrgetter("text"), reverse: bool = False ) -> None: """Sort list items in place. By default, the items are alphabetized, but a custom function can be specified. Args: key: A filter function. reverse: Whether to reverse the output. """ sorted_children = sorted(self._items(), key=key, reverse=reverse) sort_value = random.randint(1000000000, 9999999999) # noqa: S311 for node in sorted_children: node.sort = sort_value sort_value -= self.SORT_DELTA
def __str__(self) -> str: return "\n".join([self.title] + [str(node) for node in self.items]) @property def items(self) -> list[ListItem]: """Get all listitems. Returns: List items. """ return self.sorted_items(self._items()) @property def checked(self) -> list[ListItem]: """Get all checked listitems. Returns: List items. """ return self.sorted_items(self._items(True)) @property def unchecked(self) -> list[ListItem]: """Get all unchecked listitems. Returns: List items. """ return self.sorted_items(self._items(False))
[docs] class NodeBlob(Element): """Represents a blob descriptor.""" __slots__ = ("blob_id", "type", "_media_id", "_mimetype") _TYPE = None def __init__(self, type_: str | None = None) -> None: """Construct a node blob""" super().__init__() self.blob_id = None self.type = type_ self._media_id = None self._mimetype = "" def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) # Verify this is a valid type BlobType(raw["type"]) self.blob_id = raw.get("blob_id") self._media_id = raw.get("media_id") self._mimetype = raw.get("mimetype")
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the node blob""" ret = super().save(clean) ret["kind"] = "notes#blob" ret["type"] = self.type.value if self.blob_id is not None: ret["blob_id"] = self.blob_id if self._media_id is not None: ret["media_id"] = self._media_id ret["mimetype"] = self._mimetype return ret
[docs] class NodeAudio(NodeBlob): """Represents an audio blob.""" __slots__ = ("_length",) _TYPE = BlobType.Audio def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a node audio blob""" super().__init__(type_=self._TYPE) self._length = None def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self._length = raw.get("length")
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the node audio blob""" ret = super().save(clean) if self._length is not None: ret["length"] = self._length return ret
@property def length(self) -> int: """Get length of the audio clip. Returns: Audio length. """ return self._length
[docs] class NodeImage(NodeBlob): """Represents an image blob.""" __slots__ = ( "_is_uploaded", "_width", "_height", "_byte_size", "_extracted_text", "_extraction_status", ) _TYPE = BlobType.Image def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a node image blob""" super().__init__(type_=self._TYPE) self._is_uploaded = False self._width = 0 self._height = 0 self._byte_size = 0 self._extracted_text = "" self._extraction_status = "" def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self._is_uploaded = raw.get("is_uploaded") or False self._width = raw.get("width") self._height = raw.get("height") self._byte_size = raw.get("byte_size") self._extracted_text = raw.get("extracted_text") self._extraction_status = raw.get("extraction_status")
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the node image blob""" ret = super().save(clean) ret["width"] = self._width ret["height"] = self._height ret["byte_size"] = self._byte_size ret["extracted_text"] = self._extracted_text ret["extraction_status"] = self._extraction_status return ret
@property def width(self) -> int: """Get width of image. Returns: Image width. """ return self._width @property def height(self) -> int: """Get height of image. Returns: Image height. """ return self._height @property def byte_size(self) -> int: """Get size of image in bytes. Returns: Image byte size. """ return self._byte_size @property def extracted_text(self) -> str: """Get text extracted from image Returns: Extracted text. """ return self._extracted_text @property def url(self) -> str: """Get a url to the image. Returns: Image url. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class NodeDrawing(NodeBlob): """Represents a drawing blob.""" __slots__ = ("_extracted_text", "_extraction_status", "_drawing_info") _TYPE = BlobType.Drawing def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a node drawing blob""" super().__init__(type_=self._TYPE) self._extracted_text = "" self._extraction_status = "" self._drawing_info = None def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self._extracted_text = raw.get("extracted_text") self._extraction_status = raw.get("extraction_status") drawing_info = None if "drawingInfo" in raw: drawing_info = NodeDrawingInfo() drawing_info.load(raw["drawingInfo"]) self._drawing_info = drawing_info
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the node drawing blob""" ret = super().save(clean) ret["extracted_text"] = self._extracted_text ret["extraction_status"] = self._extraction_status if self._drawing_info is not None: ret["drawingInfo"] = return ret
@property def extracted_text(self) -> str: """Get text extracted from image Returns: Extracted text. """ return ( self._drawing_info.snapshot.extracted_text if self._drawing_info is not None else "" )
[docs] class NodeDrawingInfo(Element): """Represents information about a drawing blob.""" __slots__ = ( "drawing_id", "snapshot", "_snapshot_fingerprint", "_thumbnail_generated_time", "_ink_hash", "_snapshot_proto_fprint", ) def __init__(self) -> None: """Construct a drawing info container""" super().__init__() self.drawing_id = "" self.snapshot = NodeImage() self._snapshot_fingerprint = "" self._thumbnail_generated_time = NodeTimestamps.int_to_dt(0) self._ink_hash = "" self._snapshot_proto_fprint = "" def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self.drawing_id = raw["drawingId"] self.snapshot.load(raw["snapshotData"]) self._snapshot_fingerprint = raw.get( "snapshotFingerprint", self._snapshot_fingerprint ) self._thumbnail_generated_time = NodeTimestamps.str_to_dt( raw.get("thumbnailGeneratedTime") ) self._ink_hash = raw.get("inkHash", "") self._snapshot_proto_fprint = raw.get( "snapshotProtoFprint", self._snapshot_proto_fprint )
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: # noqa: D102 ret = super().save(clean) ret["drawingId"] = self.drawing_id ret["snapshotData"] = ret["snapshotFingerprint"] = self._snapshot_fingerprint ret["thumbnailGeneratedTime"] = NodeTimestamps.dt_to_str( self._thumbnail_generated_time ) ret["inkHash"] = self._ink_hash ret["snapshotProtoFprint"] = self._snapshot_proto_fprint return ret
[docs] class Blob(Node): """Represents a Google Keep blob.""" __slots__ = ("blob",) _blob_type_map = { # noqa: RUF012 BlobType.Audio: NodeAudio, BlobType.Image: NodeImage, BlobType.Drawing: NodeDrawing, } def __init__(self, parent_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: dict) -> None: """Construct a blob""" super().__init__(type_=NodeType.Blob, parent_id=parent_id, **kwargs) self.blob = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls: type, raw: dict) -> NodeBlob | None: """Helper to construct a blob from a dict. Args: raw: Raw blob representation. Returns: A NodeBlob object or None. """ if raw is None: return None _type = raw.get("type") if _type is None: return None bcls = None try: bcls = cls._blob_type_map[BlobType(_type)] except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: logger.warning("Unknown blob type: %s", _type) if DEBUG: # pragma: no cover raise exception.ParseException(f"Parse error for {_type}", raw) from e return None blob = bcls() blob.load(raw) return blob
def _load(self, raw: dict) -> None: super()._load(raw) self.blob = self.from_json(raw.get("blob"))
[docs] def save(self, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """Save the blob""" ret = super().save(clean) if self.blob is not None: ret["blob"] = return ret
_type_map = { NodeType.Note: Note, NodeType.List: List, NodeType.ListItem: ListItem, NodeType.Blob: Blob, }
[docs] def from_json(raw: dict) -> Node | None: """Helper to construct a node from a dict. Args: raw: Raw node representation. Returns: A Node object or None. """ ncls = None _type = raw.get("type") try: ncls = _type_map[NodeType(_type)] except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: logger.warning("Unknown node type: %s", _type) if DEBUG: # pragma: no cover raise exception.ParseException(f"Parse error for {_type}", raw) from e return None node = ncls() node.load(raw) return node
if DEBUG: # pragma: no cover Node.__load = Node._load # noqa: SLF001 def _load(self, raw): # noqa: ANN001, ANN202 self.__load(raw) self._find_discrepancies(raw) Node._load = _load # noqa: SLF001